Brand New

It is with great excitement that D7 Band would like to offer you our new single, Brand NewClick here for a free download

D7 Free Music Lessons to Ex-Addicts

D7 BAND, a  Gloucester based band, has launched their second album, IN THE STILLNESS, this weekend.  

Their previous album, KING’S SQUARE was dedicated to the city of Gloucester but with this release of this album they have gone one step further.  D7 Band have made a commitment to Gloucester to help rehabilitate drug addicts, alcoholics and anyone going through a difficult time, with music.  Every Thursday the band meets at the Gloucester Guildhall and offers free music lessons.  

Eric De Souza, lead guitarist and senior pastor of D7 Church said: "We have found that Gloucester has fantastic support for people wanting to get free from their addictions.  What we are doing is trying to complement what is already in place by offering music lessons.  In our experience at D7 Church we have noticed that even when people come off drugs or alcohol their biggest challenge is extreme boredom.  It is in these times of boredom, when they are not quite ready to go back to work but do not want to lead their old life that they often fall back into old patterns.  Our hope is that offering music lessons will give them something to do during these times.  In the future we hope to be able to do more but this is our small beginning.” 

"D7 has a bold vision to bring together the people of Gloucester, no matter what it takes."